Project Management Services

A project starting on the right footing is likely to take a successful journey.

From Scheduling to Risk Planning to Budgeting

Alluvionic has the capability to provide a wide range of project management services, including DoD Programs, DoD Development Projects, Business System Implementations, and Process Improvement Initiatives.

Custom Solutions

Alluvionic leverages fundamentals from the Project Management Institute (PMI®) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK®) to initiate projects but can tailor the guidance to provide targeted project management services for your specific efforts.


Alluvionic provides the best training and support possible. Our expert team of consultants and trainers possess a deep knowledge of the PMBoK® philosophy and represent a combined 180+ years of experience.

Project Assurance®

Alluvionic’s approach to project management integrates the rigor of PMBoK® fundamentals with the soft skills of Organizational Change Management to ensure project activity and transition support coalesce guaranteeing project success and resilience.

Project Management Services Areas of Expertise

Alluvionic has the capability to manage a wide range of project work including DoD Programs, DoD Development Projects, Business System Implementations, and Process Improvement Initiatives.

Project Management SERVICES

With expertise in engineering project management, process improvement, product development, and cybersecurity solutions, Alluvionic’s consultants and trainers ensure your project meets schedule, budget, and quality goals.

PMI®, PMP®, CAPM®, and PMBoK® are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

Areas of Expertise

Program Office Development & Support

Providing the structure for organizations to mature their capability to efficiently and effectively execute project work.

It is the foundation for how Project Management professionals conduct business and how the business prioritizes these efforts.

A Properly Structured PMO has:

Areas of Expertise

Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is used to manage and integrate key business processes such as project planning, purchasing, finance, accounting, human resources, timekeeping, etc.

Alluvionic has system agnostic experience instituting these solutions and specializes in implementations with Government Contractors. 

Alluvionic Capabilities Include:

Areas of Expertise

Microsoft Project Server

Microsoft Project is a popular, robust tool with many difficult-to-master capabilities. From setup to consulting, Alluvionic’s experts provide solutions that optimize workflows and empower your team with the training needed to succeed.

We consult and provide support every step of the way including post implementation. Whether you need an expert project scheduler or to implement or optimize MS Project for your organization, our MS Project experts will support you every step of the way.

Areas of Expertise

Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS)

Our scalable approach to solutions is employed in our Earned Value Management System (EVMS), which calls for a tiered system of tasks and values, earned once each task is completed. The tools that we use in implementing all levels of EVMS vary in size depending on the scope of your needs and goals.

Alluvionic can provide the tools you need alone or as building blocks toward the goal of ANSI compliance. A scalable EVMS system is just another tool to help establish Project Assurance®.
Areas of Expertise

Risk Management

As risk management shifts further up the corporate priority list, embedding a risk management capability – from how people think to how they work – is vital.

With Alluvionic, risk management is a strong feature of all our work. We are constantly considering the risks of the plans and projects we create, all to ensure the best execution and returns.

The Corporate Risk Management Process Involves:

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Download Our Project Assurance® Checklist

It’s simple. A project that gets off on the right foot is likely to take a successful journey. So why do so many projects fail? Use this checklist to assure your project succeeds from the beginning.

Whether you need project management, process improvement, cybersecurity,  product development, training, or government services,  Alluvionic has the expertise to provide Peace of Mind and Project Assurance®.


Fill out the form below to access our checklist that will ensure your project's success!